Georgia Virtual School (GaVS) extends online learning opportunities to public school students, private school, and home school students. Parent involvement is vital to student success, and Georgia Virtual School invites parents to join in student learning and encourages parents to communicate freely and often with school facilitators and course instructors.
Your guardian account is created when your student created his/her student account. GaVS sends an email to the guardian email address the student provided at account creation. Use the login credentials sent via email to begin using your GaVS guardian account.
Uses of your account:
Effective July 15, 2022: There will be a 3% nonrefundable transaction fee added for all credit card payments. Credit card is the only payment method accepted for students required to pay tuition.
Withdrawals: GaVS permits withdrawals throughout the semester until the final exam window opens. No withdrawals are permitted after the advertised semester date. Reference the current term's calendar for the specific date.
Refunds: Students who withdraw within the refund window will be automatically issued a refund within five business days.
Spring 2025 Student Handbook
Guardian Account Video Overview
View My Student's Enrollments
Make A Payment for My Student's Courses
View My Student's Progress
Quick Reference Guide
Getting Started with the Canvas Mobile App
Using Canvas- Guide for Guardians
Waiting List FAQs
Each GaVS course will have either a multiple choice final exam or a state required Georgia Milestones EOC assessment (high school courses only) which counts as 20% of your final course grade.
Students are not permitted to utilize online translators. Students will use diacritical marks or accent marks in all communication and assessments.
Students should follow the steps below to complete eADAP certification.
Students should honestly and accurately complete the Personal Fitness workout requirements. For documentation purposes, a fitness sponsor (parent/guardian, teacher or coach) must verify student workouts by signing the required Fitness Log.
Students have the responsibility to successfully complete CPR, AED, and First Aid training according to the American Heart Association or American Red Cross, or other nationally recognized certifying agency (accepted courses listed in policy). Students must complete the Adult or Healthcare Provider course, the hands on skills practice, and the hands on skills test requirements. The certification deadline is noted on the course schedule. If the certification documentation listed in the CPR, First Aid, and AED rubric is not submitted by the assignment due date, a zero will be entered into the gradebook. If students are not able to complete the requirements by the noted deadline on the schedule, the certification documentation will be accepted (late penalty waived) as long as the documentation is uploaded by midnight the Tuesday before final exams.