We are pleased to announce that our new Georgia Virtual Learning (GaVL) website will be launching April 16th! This new site will consolidate all our programs into one central hub. Learn more about our new and improved website experience.

Current Adjunct Instructional Positions

  • Business Education - Business Management, Finance, and IT pathways; Computer Science certification a plus

  • Spanish - summer availability a must

  • Music Theory - College Board certified to teach AP Music Theory and willingness to teach Beginning Music Theory

  • Art - College Board certified to teach AP Art History, and willingness to teach Drawing (I and II), and Comprehensive Visual Arts

  • AP Psychology


All GaVirtual instructors begin tenure as Adjunct Instructors and are paid through the Georgia Department of Education on a per-student basis each semester.

Salaried (Preferred Adjunct, Full Time) positions are available for successful Adjunct teachers depending on enrollments and strategic planning.

•<½ Carnegie unit course - $130/student

•½ Carnegie unit AP course - $155/student

•1 Carnegie unit course (block) - $260/student

•1 Carnegie unit AP course (block) - $310/student

Teaching and other assignments are determined by student enrollment/needs at the discretion of GaVirtual administration. Teaching assignments may be offered during Fall, Spring or Summer semesters.



Current, valid, and in-field Georgia teaching certification issued by the GaPSC. (GaPSC certification lookup)
• Application submitted to in-field posting (below).
• Completion of the first two courses in the Effective Online Teaching PathwayProfessional Responsibilities and Digital Pedagogy.
• College Board training for Advanced Placement courses.
• Requisite time to complete induction process (see below) and to provide quality instruction to all students on a flexible schedule.

Out-of-State Certified Teachers
Do you hold a valid, teaching certificate from another state? Visit the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for further information about attaining a Georgia teaching certificate. For more information about interstate reciprocity, visit the Georgia PSC's Move to Georgia page.


Instructor positions at Georgia Virtual School are competitive. Successful candidates generally have the following qualifications:

• Technology. GaVirtual teachers have 21st century skills and are savvy with instructional technology. All GaVS instructors are lifelong learners and willing to adapt to a dynamic learning environment.

• Experience. Our virtual instructors bring experience and leadership from their face-to-face schools. Successful online teachers possess the same tenacity and dedication to their students as peers in the traditional classroom.

• Communication. Online teaching requires a range of communication tools with an emphasis on strong written communication skills and relationships with stakeholders and peers (department, mentors and administration).

 • Commitment. GaVirtual serves students and districts from every region in the state. We are committed to providing the best educational experience for all of our students.

Profile of a GAVS online teacher.

Application for Instructional Positions

To Apply for an open position, please complete our NEW application:

NEW Application for Georgia Virtual School Adjunct Teaching Positions

Hiring Process for Instructional Positions

Educators interested in teaching with GaVirtual must complete the following steps for hiring and induction to become a vetted GaVirtual Instructor.


Step 1: Complete Effective Online Teaching  or Online Teaching Endorsement 
We now have two methods to qualify for an interview:

  1. Complete the first two courses in the Effective Online Teaching PathwayProfessional Responsibilities and Digital Pedagogy. These courses are based on the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching. You are not required to pay for the entire pathway; you can pay for each course individually. Click each link above for more information.

  2. Possess an Online Teaching Endorsement (earned in 2020 or later) designation on your Georgia Teaching Certificate.


Step 2: Apply
Apply for Open Positions by completing one of the forms above. If you do not see an open position, you can complete Step 1 and return to Step 2 when an open position is available.


Step 3: Interview Phase I
Qualified candidates will be notified about a virtual interview if selected to participate in Interview Phase 1.  GaVirtual administration and content peers will present information about the induction and training process.  They will also discuss teaching qualifications and experience with candidates and offer time for questions.


Step 4: Interview Phase 2: NIPC Training
Selected candidates will be invited to participate in Interview Phase 2: the New Instructor Preparation Course (NIPC). This course is free for GaVirtual hires. This up to 4-week virtual, expert-led training includes instruction on the pedagogy and best practices of virtual learning, onboarding to the culture and policies within GaVirtual, and hands-on training with Canvas, our LMS. Teachers are provided with coaching from exemplary GaVirtual online instructors.


Step 5: Offer of Employment
After NIPC is completed successfully, candidates are offered a teaching position for the next semester.


Step 6: DOE Hiring

Candidates attend Georgia Department of Education Orientation located in Atlanta, Georgia.


Step 7: TOP Support and Training
Complete TOP (Teaching Online Practicum) as part of your first paid semester at GaVirtual. TOP is a one-semester, immersive, online teaching practicum that instructors complete with coaching support. Graduates of TOP are considered vetted online instructors.

Questions about employment? Send us an email at employment@gavirtualschool.org.


Are you interested in exploring our other professional development courses?

Please click on the image above to see our entire catalog of professional learning opportunities.