Georgia Milestones End of Course (EOC) assessments (formerly known as End of Course Tests or EOCTs) are required by the state of Georgia in some courses. Public school students enrolled in and/or receiving credit for one of these courses, regardless of grade level, are required to take the Georgia Milestone assessment upon completion of the course. This includes middle school students completing a course associated with a Georgia Milestones EOC assessment, regardless of whether they are receiving high school credit. The results of the EOC assessments will serve as the final exam in each course, contributing to the student’s final course grade. Students enrolling into a public school from other schools or programs are required to take and pass the Georgia Milestones EOC assessment prior to receiving credit for the course. The courses that require a Georgia Milestones EOC assessment are as follows:
Students who take a Georgia Virtual course where a Georgia Milestones End of Course Assessment is required should code their test accordingly.
State-Directed Use (SDU A)
SDU A is to be used by Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support (GNETS) programs and the Georgia Virtual School to report their assigned facilities identification code. The two-digit code should be marked for all students who are served at a location other than their home school (FTE site). All Georgia Virtual School students should be coded in this area regardless of where the students are tested.
For the paper and pencil EOC, the two-digit code of 30 should be filled in under “SDU A” on the student answer document for all students to whom this applies. For the online EOC, students are reported under their home school system.
Additional information on the Georgia Milestones EOC Assessments from the Georgia Department of Education (opens in a new window).
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