We are pleased to announce that our new Georgia Virtual Learning (GaVL) website will be launching April 16th! This new site will consolidate all our programs into one central hub. Learn more about our new and improved website experience.


Start Dates

GA Virtual School realizes that students look to online courses for a variety of reasons.  One of these is flexibility.  For this reason, the start dates for each semester are flexible and students are given a period of six weeks (Fall and Spring term) and ten days (Summer term) in which to begin their course. The student's course schedule and due dates are determined based on the individual date the student begins the course.


The later in the term the student begins the course, the less time the student will have to complete the content. The shorter enrollment time in a course does not result in condensed content.  All of the same content is covered but at a faster pace. It is best to begin a course at or near the beginning of the term.